Thursday, May 5, 2011

Quotes that Quack Me Up

I've started keeping journal in my purse to write down the quotable quotes from Claire and Paul. Here are a few from the last month.
1. Paul is making snorting noises.
Claire: "Stop that! I don't like that noise!"
Paul: "I'm not going to stop. I like that noise. That's how I roll!"
(I did end up having to get him to stop the noise, though.)
2. Claire: "I wish I could have giant armpits."
No explanation was given for this other than she loves her armpits.
3. Claire: "I'm cool like that!"
4. Claire: "At the library, Ziya said my hair is real pretty. And it is."
5. Claire: "Paul, you know if you glue a cross on your hat, people will know you are from the Methodist Church."
6. Claire: "Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake, Bake your hands."
7. Paul: "Mama, my library CD has Little Bunny Foo-Foo Hopping Through the Meadow Scooping Up the Field Mice and Bopping Them on the Head!"
Apparently that's the song title.

1 comment:

  1. si mirrors me...." are you freaking kidding me". ... sounds so funny coming from a 4 year old.
