Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Claire!

Happy birthday Claire!

Saturday was Claire's birthday, and we had parties all day. In the morning, we had all her kid friends over, and family came over with tons of food in the afternoon. We have countless pictures of family eating.
Claire is now five years old. With her birthday and the Mavs going to the playoffs, Adam and I have been reminiscing about the last time the Mavs were in the playoffs and I was birthing our first baby.
We are so proud of how smart and generous Claire is.
Two weeks ago, we were leaving a funeral and about to head out of town. We were on our way to Chick-fil-A for lunch when Claire spotted a homeless man with a sign on the side of the road. She asked what it said and I explained that the man was asking for food.
Claire: "I wish we had some food to give him."
Me: "I do, too, but we just cleaned all the snacks and toys out of the car."
Claire: "Well, why don't we buy him some food at Chick-fil-A?"
So we did. We drove back to give it to him. Claire rolled down her window and gave him the food and drink himself. As we made a u-turn and headed home, we spotted him under the bridge chowing down and drinking his lemonade as fast as he possibly could. Claire said it made her happy to see that. Me, too.
In the last two weeks, she's really started reading as well. We bought some Bob early readers from Half Price Books and she's been hard at work reading them. She'll be in kindergarten in just a couple of months, and she's ready.

Happy birthday to my favorite five year old!
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  1. Thanks, Sarah, for celebrating Claire's generous and loving spirit. Those qualities really, really matter in our world.

  2. Happy birthday to our special granddaughter, Claire! I'm so glad she has empathy for other people - what a great quality! xoxo

  3. Wow! It is awesome she is such a giving, considerate child. She is a blessing! I would love to see her again! Brenda Szitar Cook
