Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Today is the first Thursday I haven't been swallowed up with classes and homework. I am so grateful.

I'm back to my thankful list. I enjoy writing this as a way to help me appreciate life as well as keep me writing. Finals are over for the semester...(In one class, I earned an A. Still waiting on hearing back from the other.) I've got 14 hours complete of my 81 hour Master of Divinity Degree.
Paul and I at the school carnival.

Here's what I'm thankful for today:
1. New tunes
My best friend Stacy has alerted me to lots of new music. My iPod is full of new bands, thanks to her. I love playing new music and having friend that knows exactly what I will like. Thanks, Stacy!

2. New rhythm
So class is over, finals are over, and now I've got a little more space in my schedule. I love this time when everything seems possible and my schedule has a little bit of flexibility.

3. The power of "unsubscribe"
I am on an "unsubscribe" me spree! I have realized that getting 50+ emails a day is too much for me, so I am taking my name off as many lists as possible. At one point I was giving my email address out like it was candy. No longer. If I don't want to hear about that business, I won't give them my email address. So simple, but it took me a long time to understand.

4. Awesome coworkers.
I have two jobs and at both this week, I have laughed so hard I couldn't breathe properly. I love working at the elementary school because I show up and I never know what to expect. Yesterday I helped with talent show applicants and learned all sorts of new, hip dance moves and terms. (How to do the stanky leg dance here.) I love working at the church I work at because everyone that I work with has an incredible sense of humor. We laugh at ourselves, we laugh at each other, we laugh and laugh and laugh.

5. My husband
Adam has really picked up the slack this year and helped out so I could go to class or study. He keeps me laughing and supports my pursuits. He's a keeper.

6. My kids
Paul came home last week with a paper that said he is now reading on a fourth grade level. He's six.
Claire is learning to play the piano as fast as she can and is also reading several chapter books a week. I am so proud of how smart and kind my children are.

7. My other support team
I am thankful for all of you who have listened to me this year as I tried to keep everything in balance. When I finally graduate, I will have to make copies of my degree because I am certainly not doing this alone. I am so grateful for every single encouraging text, hug, email, phone call, and coffee break.

8. Excellent classes
I took two classes this semester and both challenged me to rethink much of my life and interactions. Pastoral Care reminded me that it's not my job to solve everyone's problems. My class comparing Thomas Merton and Howard Thurman brought issues of racial struggles and social justice closer home.

9. On Demand TV
Adam and I DVR pretty much every show that we watch. With our schedule and my homework load, we were behind several episodes on some of our favorite shoes. This week, now that we have time to watch the TV, the DVR bit the dust. Fortunately, almost all of our TV shows are available On Demand, so we didn't lose very much when the technology gave out.

10. My gym
A new gym opened by our house and for $10/month, I can go work out as much as I want. Three workouts a week means that I'm paying less than a dollar a workout. Woohoo! Maybe you'll be seeing less of me. Surely you'll be seeing a more fit me.