Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gnomebody Knows

We got home from preschool/church yesterday to find a present on the porch.  It's a pair of gnomes.  I have no clue where they came from, but they're pretty cute as far as gnomes go.
I have a sneaking suspicion my friend Ardis is to blame, but who knows.  What I do know, is that I keep "knowing" who it is that left them and finding out that I don't know.  The appearance of two gnome kids has spurred me to call several people I haven't called in a while and catch up.  I still don't know who did it, but I do know what's going on in others' lives.


  1. Did you ever figure out who it was??

  2. it wasn't me.... and those are little people, not gnomes. maybe it is someone with a thick irish blood bequeathing their fav possession.

  3. I dunno. I have thick Irish blood, and they ain't mine...
