Thursday, May 19, 2011

Feliz Anniversario!

Above you see some beautiful orchids, sent to me for my ten year anniversary with my hot husband.

Ten years ago today, I wore a white dress in a Baptist church and married my best friend Adam.  We've changed a lot in the last ten years, but we've done it together.
Every major and most minor decisions in our marriage have been a collaborative effort.  From changes between contacts and eyeglasses to car purchases, we talk about everything.  We don't always agree, and in fact, are probably about 50/50 on agreeing on the little things, but we always see eye to eye on the big stuff.  We also can have complete conversations across the room just by looking at each other and changing facial expressions.
This weekend we had the privilege of attending my cousin Lindsay's wedding.  Of course weddings always make me sentimental and this one was so awesome it made me want to get married again.  It was in the midst of all my family, everyone laughing and dancing together, that I really got a lump in my throat.  Adam's such a good dad and husband.  I can escape and just shout, "You're on kids!" and know that he'll handle it.  He's unafraid and unashamed to do white-boy dancing with our daughter, Claire.  It was his brilliant idea to let Paul wear his Spiderman costume to the reception.
We're pretty old fashioned.  I cook all our meals and send him to work with coffee and a muffin, but that's how we function.  I take care of all the food and kiss all the owies and he balances the checkbooks and fixes whatever I break.  It works out well.
So today I celebrate and thank God for my husband.  He makes me laugh, he makes me happy.

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