Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thankful Tuesday

I've been trying to think of a pattern I could repeat one day a week on my blog. My friend Rebecca does "Truth Be Told Tuesday" and it's pretty funny, but I wanted something that was a little more "me."

So Tuesday is hereby declared Thankful Tuesday.

Today I am thankful for

1. The sunshine and cool breeze. This morning I drove the kids to preschool with my windows down and Adele pumping out. The temperature was just perfect and everyone was in good spirits. Claire even told me, "I'm cool like that."

2. My dog Wesley Eugene. Wesley will turn 9 this summer. He was my first baby and an answer to my first round of baby fever. This weekend when we went out of town he stayed at a friends' house. Although he doesn't get as much attention as he used to, I was aware of his absence and further aware of how much I love that little Yorkshire Terrier.

3. My church family. Last night I went to prayer group and Bible study with laundry detergent on my shirt. There were some comments of concern, "Are you okay? You have stuff all over you." and some smart-aleck jokes, but I love that I can show up as I am and be loved. Some days I'm able to make an effort to look more polished, but other days I just show up and say, "This is me. It's the best I can do. Thank you for accepting me."

4. Tomatoes! For the first time ever, I am actually growing vegetation! Squash and okra are sprouting in my flower bed and I have a pot with about five tomatoes on it. I call it a cheater plant because I bought it at Wal-Mart when it was already blooming. I figure if I can't keep that alive, then there's no hope.

5. Birkenstocks. I got a new pair for my birthday. I wear them every single day. I used to wear flip flops all the time, but I started getting back pain. Now that my feet have more support, my back pain went away.

6. Our swimming pool. It's not warm enough to swim yet, but soon we will be jumping in the water every afternoon. How cool is that? We have a swimming pool in our own backyard! We also have a play set and a trampoline. Our backyard is fantastic and I do not take it for granted.

7. A working washer and dryer. This weekend I drooled a little over Adam's cousin's high-efficiency washer, but really, I'm grateful for my own. Every day I do a load of laundry. I can't imagine the hassle it would be to have to go to a laundromat. I'd have to buy more clothes for one problem, and save all my quarters for another.

8. Low-maintenance hair. I think God knew what he was doing when he created me. He knew I wouldn't be a primper, so he gave me hair that fixes itself. I love it! I wash my hair, brush it, throw some mousse in it, and I'm good to go. If I'm feeling extra fancy, I spend an extra 30 seconds braiding it. Sure, I could spend more time, but why?

9. Wide hips. I'm not a skinny waif, and as a mother, I am grateful for that. I can't get knocked down easily, and my lap has room for not just one, but two kids in it! Every time I feel down about not being thinner, I think of what I do with all this lap space and I'm grateful.

10. My left-brained husband. Adam sees the world as black and white. I see all the colors of the rainbow. It's nice to have someone around who's different from me and has more focus to detail. He takes care of balancing the checkbook and making sure all the crumbs get wiped off the table, because frankly, he's better at it. I love him for it, because if it weren't for him, all the cabinet doors would be open all the time, and I'm sure there'd be a spot on the table turning into compost.

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