Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hospitality at Wal-Mart

One of my Lenten practices this year is increasing my hospitality. I'm usually pretty good at this, but somedays I am tired and don't feel like extending anything beyond my nose. My particular focus is greeting others even when it makes me a little uncomfortable.

Yesterday the kids and I were anxious to get to the zoo to see the new dinosaur exhibit. However, we were also out of milk, butter, eggs, and sodas for Adam's office. We were rushing around so we could run to Wal-Mart, grab our groceries, and hit the zoo.

When we walked in, I noticed the greeter was a darling elderly Asian woman. It occured to me that I should greet her but I thought to myself, "I'm tired and I have to get in and get out because we're going to the zoo!" But no. When you feel the urge to extend something to another, you better do it, or you will do it anyway. At least that's how it goes in my life.

So I had decided I was going to ignore the cute greeter but just at that moment Claire decided it was time to start singing "Row, row your boat." She started belting it out loudly as I was arranging my shopping cart.

Then the little lady came over and said, "What you singing? I know that song!" And believe it or not, she started belting out "Row, row your boat," as loud as she could sing it with Claire. It was hilarious because she was a TERRIBLE singer, had a thick accent and was LOUD. We giggled and talked to her and then she kept on singing, even when we were halfway through the store we could still hear, "Row, Row, row YOUR BOAT!!!"

I said a silent prayer of thanks to God for overcoming my laziness so I could get a giggle and a blessing from the crazy Wal-Mart greeter.

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