Sunday, April 14, 2013

Fun at Shaw-Kemp

A few years ago, a librarian friend of ours invited us to this place in Weatherford where they have amazing bluebonnets.  It sounded fun, so we looked up the address and we went, not knowing what to expect.  Every April since then, we've made the trek to the Shaw-Kemp Open House.
If you've ever been to the Log Cabin Village in Fort Worth, this is similar.  They have a small town of antique buildings filled with antiques and people in period costume.  Everyone is happy to discuss local Parker County history and the entire event is free.
Most of the event organizers are part of either the Shaw or Kemp family, and I think most of their advertising is done by word of mouth.  Every year in January,  my friend Stacy and I start searching online for the dates for the Open House that year.  It's hard to find and when I ask around at the event, they all tell me that they never know until a few weeks ahead of time when the event will run.  Sometimes there are fields of bluebonnets, but apparently this year is a bad one for them.  We found a few, though.

Here are some photos of our fun yesterday.  We had a lot of laughs and finished off the day in downtown Weatherford.

Paul and Pengie in a teepee.  (We brought Pengie from home.  He wasn't part of the exhibits.)

Have your kids taken pictures with a Native American mannequin with blue eyeshadow?  No?  I'm sorry.

A horse-drawn carriage driven by a penguin.

Taxidermy animal in the bluebonnets.

When was the last time you petted at taxidermy dog in a field of bluebonnets?  Well that's too long!


Old-fashioned see saw.  The kids loved it! 

There were lots of dogs to pet!

Adam and the kids on an old merry go round.

Paul getting a shave at the barber shop.  This is one of his favorite things to do each year.  The barber uses a plastic knife to scrape shave cream off his face.  

A random beautiful bead mosaic.

This dog's name is Tinkerbell.  Every year Tinkerbell and her mother dress in matching Minnie Pearl outfits.

Paul pretending to be an outlaw.

Claire wanted a shave, too.  She was laughing so hard Adam had to hold her still.

This is not a real cannon.


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