Sunday, June 12, 2011

Two "Aha!" moments this week

Twice this week I was upset with myself and figured out I was the problem.  I had an "aha!" moment twice.  Here's what hit me on the head this week:

1. The need for community, again.
One of my personal soapboxes, and something I've blogged about a few times, is what I believe is an intrinsic need for community.  I think everyone has this need.  What happens is that when a person separates themselves from a support network, they start looking inward.  Then they only see themselves and their problems become the only problems in the world and they magnify.  If one disconnects with society, small issues become great big ones.  I see this again and again in my world and see people reaching out less and less because they can write on one another's "wall" or text each other. 

The problem is that I can easily see this issue in others, but recently failed to see it in myself.  Because it's now summer, I'm less involved at church and socially.  I decided to take some time off various groups that I'm in.  But Wednesday night, I made myself go see a movie with some friends I hadn't hung out with in a while.  I was overwhelmed with a sense of love and friendship and had to remind myself that just because it's summer, I still need to be engaged.  It's humbling to hear about a friend's sick baby or ill grandparent and be reminded that I am not the only one in the world with problems.  I love it when I get bonked on the head and realize, it's not all about me.

2.  The need to advocate for myself
Yesterday I was in a hurry at Costco.  We were having company last night and I had to buy some last minute supplies.  When I got up to the register, one of the front end managers was leaning on the check-writing stand talking to the cashier's assistant/bagger/boxer/whatever you want to call him.  Instead of asking her to move, I politely and quietly waited while she finished her conversation and got out of the way.  Then I stepped up to the stand and wrote my check.  Once I was finished checking out, I realized that my items were not boxed and that the guy hadn't even asked me if I wanted boxes.  I was mad because I had a lot of items.  But then I was mad at myself because if I had spoken up at the beginning and called the manager to task, the helper would have been paying attention to me instead of her and I would have been happy with the end result.  So again I got bonked in the head and had an "aha" moment.

This week I will pay attention and advocate for myself.


  1. What does it mean to "write a check"? I do not think I have done that in years.
