Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

Tonight I attempted to read part of our Harry Potter book to the kids, but they were more interested in acting crazy and hyper. I sent them to bed early and now, at 7:35 p.m., they are both snoring soundly.

So, here's my list today:

1. Children who are asleep early so I can finish homework and write.

2. Homework. I love learning new concepts, and so far, my homework this semester has been fascinating.  An excerpt from Thomas Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation had me nodding my head and shouting "Exactly!" to an empty room.

3. Podcasts
I have really enjoyed working in Weatherford because it gives me a reason to listen to a variety of podcasts.  I've enjoyed listening to interviews on pursuing your dreams, motherhood, and self-care by Lisa Grace Byrne.  I keep up with some friends through their sermon podcasts.  Today I listened to one from Church Marketing Sucks.  Do you have any favorite podcasts? I'd love to add them to my list.  (Want to hear one from my church? Listen here.)

4. My support team
I simply cannot work, go to grad school, and be an effective mother by myself.  I am so grateful for my support team.  My husband Adam is number 1, followed by a host of others who babysit, check on me, pray for me, help with my tuition, or even read my emails that sometimes border the length of a Tolstoy novel.  Thank you for being part of that team.

5.  Patience
Since I am in a brave new world of graduate school and new job responsibilities, I've been a little bit confused at times.  I am so grateful for patient professors as well as compassionate coworkers and friends who kindly wait while I connect the dots.

6.  Labor Day weekend in the past
Labor Day weekend was a blast. We had so much fun with skating on Friday night, family over all day on Saturday, a date night on Sunday, and a family day at the movies on Monday. We had a lot of fun, but I'm also glad it's behind us now and we have a little more wiggle room in the calendar.

7.  Neighborhood piano lessons
Our across the street neighbors are Mr. and Mrs. Abbott.  When Claire was small, she couldn't pronounce their full name, so she called them Mr. and Mrs. Rabbit.  Mrs. Rabbit is a talented pianist, and she has agreed to start teaching Claire some piano lessons. Claire starts Thursday and we are very excited!  (I'm also excited we won't have to drive anywhere. I can stay home with Paul and send her across the street!)

8. Good teachers
Claire is so excited about third grade and her first binder, which is full of new responsibilities. She is so proud of being in charge of her own assignments and keeping everything organized. Her new teachers are already sainted in her book.  I am just as big of a fan of Paul's teacher, who expertly dealt with a brief misbehavior last week. She corrected him in a way that didn't shame him, but at the same time, ensured he wouldn't do it again.

9. An empty laundry couch
At our home, we have a designated couch where I place all the clean laundry. Really, that's where I dump the laundry baskets after the clothes come out of the dryer. On a busy week, we might have to fish clean clothes out of the mound. This week we won't have to because Adam and I folded and hung every single piece of laundry last night.  We've actually been able to sit on that couch today.

10. Time to breathe
Last Friday I was home alone, so I was able to complete all my work, all my housework, cut all my coupons, and go grocery shopping for two weeks' worth of food. By the time I picked up the kids, I felt like I was wearing a super hero cape.

And now....off to finish my homework!

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