Friday, June 21, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Rhythm

I love the rhythm of the school year and its predictability.  I love knowing what will take up most of our day and I schedule around it.  Just when we grow weary of the daily routines, there's a holiday that resets everything and then we begin again.
Summer's rhythm is slower and less predictable than the school year.  When we'd normally be putting kids in pajamas at 7 p.m., it's fine to take a dip in the pool.  Dinner at 8:30?  Sure.  We let the day set our pace and try not to rush.  There is too much rushing in life anyway.
It's important to me to keep the kids in a routine when they're in school.  It's equally important to teach them this slowness during summer.  
I have recently discovered that I am terrible at relaxing.  As a mother, wife, and homeowner, there is always work to do.  If I don't hang clothes daily, I get behind.  If I don't run the dishwasher at least once (sometimes twice) a day, dirty dishes start overtaking the kitchen.  However, since there is always work to do, I have to learn to turn a blind eye sometimes.  
So this summer I have scheduled many fun activities.  We'll be travelling around town to experience art and music, and trying to learn about the world as we go.  
We're not going to do too much, though, because this summer I am going to learn to relax.  I am going to be on a different rhythm.  I am going to learn to jump on the trampoline for an hour without a care in the world.  I will read storybooks by the pool. I will learn to sit and listen.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great plan and change of pace! Enjoy the summer rhythm of fun! Stopping by from FMF.
