Sunday, June 16, 2013

Adam, my appendage

Today is Father's Day and Wednesday is Adam's birthday, so it's time for my annual ode to Adam, my husband and father two the two cutest, smartest, and sweetest kids I know.  (Just ask them and they will confirm that as a fact.)

Some families will be able to let their father relax for Father's Day, but it's impossible around here right now.  We've got floor laid in two rooms now and a bathroom, hallway, and den to go.  We also have baseboards, cabinets, and walls to paint, and all of this will need to happen before construction finishes, ideally next Saturday.

Tomorrow Adam's taken off work and we will take a family trip to Six Flags, but today will be church, painting, and reconfiguring of furniture.

Seemingly a lifetime ago, I fell in love with this skinny boy who was good at math.  Two kids and twelve years of marriage later, I still love that guy.  We became best friends before even thought about dating and I used to call him "Adam my Appendage."

He is like a part of me.  We always joke that I am completely right-brained and he is completely left-brained so together we make one brain.  Lately, he's been extremely busy, probably busier than me.  He's had some major projects at work so he hasn't been able to think about leaving the office before 8.  Each lunch time is taken up with a trip to Home Depot or a trip home to supervise the contractors. He also balances the checkbook, pays the bills, cleans the pool, and fixes anything that's broken.

The family is used to having him around, so it's difficult for all of us when he's pulled in so many different directions.  I get frustrated, but I know he's doing his best.  We hope and pray that once we get these floors in, that we won't be needing to do any more major home improvement for a long, long time.

So today I am thankful for Adam, my appendage.  He is such a part of me that when he's not around, I feel like I'm missing something.  I don't claim to know what it's like to be an actual amputee, but in my imagination, it's in small ways comparable to this.  I get used to having him around, and then when he's called other places, life functions differently.  Luckily his phases of busy-ness are just phases and not a way of life.

Here's a picture from 2008 when we were the Holy Family at church.  I was supposed to be Mary full of Grace but had just fallen off the donkey.  There Adam was, helping me up.  I love that guy!

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