Monday, December 16, 2013

Writing a Book

One of my lifelong dreams has been to become an author. I've written in various forms and forums my entire life. So I am ecstatic to announce that I have a published work!
(Click on the book cover to go to my listing.)

You can click the link above, or search for my name on If you have a Kindle, the book will be delivered instantly once you order it.  If you have an Apple device, you need to first download the free Kindle App and then go online and buy it.

The book is $1.99 and every cent raised goes directly to fund my seminary education. So by purchasing my book, you are helping me achieve two dreams at one time!

I know this isn't going to win the National Book Award, but everyone starts somewhere, and this is my starting place.

Initially I thought I'd use this as an exercise in writing as well as graphic design, but that didn't work out. I spent hours laying out my book in InDesign and learning how to use that program. I thought I had it press ready, but then due to specifications, I ended up having to redo the whole thing in Microsoft Word. So for any of you that think you might want to create an epub, just create it in MS Word and save yourself a lot of time.

Thank you for helping me achieve my dreams!

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