Monday, July 29, 2013

Thank you Monday

Thank you Adam Boyette for being a better painter than me.  I just want to slap some paint on the cabinets and you take time and effort to make it look perfect.

Thank you BettieCarol for having the best name to shout and for letting me rub your head for good luck.  Just thinking of you makes me laugh.

Thank you loud bird outside who woke me up yesterday when my alarm failed to do it.  Thank you Adam's Ipod for doing the job this morning.

Thank you to my friend Savanna who is always willing to get in the car with me, even though I get her lost a lot.  I get so interested in what she's saying I forget where we are and miss my turn again and again.

Thank you church for being a place of love for my entire family.  I can't count how many hugs I gave and received yesterday.  

Thank you Stacy for keeping the nanner joke going for almost 20 years now.  If only my parents knew what joy refrigerated bananas would bring me at the age of 35.

Thank you Melody for coming to my house and offering some perspective as well as letting your adorable kids play.

Thank you Helen for running with me 20 years ago and still associating yourself with me. (and for being my FB privacy patrol.)

Thank you to Adam and the kids for my massage on Saturday.  It was 80 minutes of decadence and I only fell asleep once.

Thank you Thursday lunch date who listened to me without complaint for an hour and a half even though I was making you late.

Thank you Paul for being the sweetest five year old I know.  For making me laugh with a change of your face and for making me proud again and again.

Thank you Claire for being the most perceptive seven year old I know.  You are so smart I am already running to keep pace with you.  I can't wait to see you leave me in the dust and become a brilliant star.

Thank you reader for reading anything I type up and helping me keep my dream to become a published author alive.

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