Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thankful Tuesday

Hello!  I am writing in a cushy chair in an air-conditioned house in the best state of the best country in the world.  If that wasn't enough to be thankful for, here's more:

1.  Clean Public Restrooms
I've always been grateful for the opportunity to use a clean public facility, but when I had kids, my gratitude multiplied.  You never know what the little hands will touch next, so I am grateful when that surface is clean.

2.  My live-in copy editor
Besides my blog, Adam edits nearly everything I put my pen to.  I always have issues with commas, and he gets his red pen and stops any errors from leaving the house.

3.  Meaningful memorials
Sunday was the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.  Instead of going to early service at church, we opted to go to the Museum of Science and History to be a part of the Fort Worth memorial service of the tragedy.  Everyone in the crowd had a flag, and another giant flag was suspended from two fire truck ladders.  The crowd was sprinkled with uniformed soldiers, police officers, and firemen.  Inside the museum is a steel beam from the World Trade Center.  It was an easy way to explain to the kids the importance of the tragedy and its aftermath as well as personally thank those who risk their lives daily to protect us.

4.  Having a platform for our voices
If you don't know yet, Claire has a blog.  Every day when she gets home from school and changes her clothes, we sit at the computer and she dictates to me her adventures of the day.  I type word for word what she says.  It's been an entertaining and informative way for her to express herself.

5.  Meerkat Peekaboo
Yesterday I took Paul to the zoo.  We were talking to the meerkats and they appeared to be listening.  When one went in a hole, I told Paul, "He's trying to play hide and seek with you!"  So Paul would cover his eyes and say, "1-2-3-4 Ready or not, here I come!"  It was hilarious.

6.  Easy volunteering
Yesterday morning Paul and I spent about an hour and a half at Claire's school volunteering in the library.  It was a breeze.  He played on the computer while I shelved and labeled books.  We actually finished all our work in time to be at the zoo for opening.

7.  Happy endings
This past Lent, we raised some ducks.  Adam bought them at a feed store when they were three days old and we raised them in a coop in our kitchen.  We did the best we could for them, and then when they were too big for us, we took them to the local pond.  The problem was, we didn't realize that even though there were a variety of ducks there, our ducks were still outsiders and wouldn't be accepted.  We came back the next day and they were gone.  We saw a few that we speculated were ours, but we weren't sure.  Recently on a trip to the duck park, we talked to a lady who lives across the street.  She found our ducks the night we released them and took them home to live with her.  They currently are fat and happy swimming in their own private pool and pond.  Every night they sleep on a raft.  We were delighted they were rescued and not, we feared, eaten by a fox.

8.  Quiet time that's quiet
A few mornings this week I was able to crawl out of bed without alerting anyone but the dogs.  I was able to drink my coffee in peace and read my Bible and journal.  I do this every morning, but I am grateful for the mornings I'm able to do this without a kid in my lap.

9.  Quiet time that's not so quiet
For every day that I get a quiet quiet time, I also have one that is interrupted by a tired kid who wants to snuggle.  I know the kids won't want to snuggle for long, so I just scoot my books over and try to soak up the love.

10.  Craft drawers
We have two drawers at our house that are crammed full of craft supplies.  I never know what will be created.  Yesterday I asked Claire to get Paul a pair of socks, so she got in the craft drawer and made him a pair from construction paper.  Currently the kids are making me "gifts" that consist of homemade cards and wrapped up Hot Wheels.  I am grateful.

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