Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fat body and dirty house = happy kid

This morning I tried to workout. Every time I pressed play on the exercise program, Paul screamed and raised his arms at me.
I tried to sweep. Paul grabbed his mini-broom and swept my nice, neat pile all over the kitchen.
Frustrated with that, I tried to sit down and journal to relieve some stress. Paul used that opportunity to use me as a jungle gym.
As I type this, he has climbed in and out of my lap, typed on the keyboard and cried.
I feel like a Mack truck has hit me this morning with the realization that I need to let some frustrations go. I will be overweight, with a dirty house and an empty journal, but I can always fix those things later. Paul won't keep. He'll be in kindergarten before I know it, and I doubt he'll still want to hold me while I exercise.
Now he wants a hat. I better go pay attention.


  1. get busy living or get busy dying..

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I have always been very particular about keeping my house clean, and it drives me nuts when it's dirty. But Lila often gets in the way of a clean house. For months it frustrated me, but then I realized, "Hey, she's only going to be this little for a short while. I'm really going to regret that I didn't stop scrubbing and start playing with her when she's off to school someday and I'm really missing her company." It's definitely still hard because sometimes I just need a little "me" time, but I try to get it where I can.
