Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Paul's Baptism

Paul was baptized Sunday. It was crazy, in true Boyette fashion.

We attend Arlington Heights UMC. I was raised Baptist, but grew up knowing I didn't agree with many of the Baptist doctrines. After Adam and I got married, we joined AHUMC. We feel completely at home. Our kids do, too, which is a blessing and a curse. Claire felt so much at home on Sunday that immediately after the baptism, when we were trying to make our way back to our seats, she decided to crawl around the front of the sanctuary and declare that she was a puppy dog. I was calling her and she said, "I not Claire, I a puppy dog." I said, "Okay, puppy dog, come on."

I was so preoccupied with all the family and friends we had there and making sure everyone was okay that I didn't get to contemplate or even focus on the event. Of course I can now, but I was frustrated that I was just reading the script and not thinking about what it said.

Adam was baptized as a baby and I was baptized in third grade. Although I think it's an important thing to do, I don't believe it has anything to do with getting into heaven. I think of it just as a public declaration of a life that is (hopefully) devoted to God.

In Sunday School our friend Leigh read a passage out of a book that was titled, Being Methodist in the Bible Belt. It talked about how people are saved and how to answer the question, "When were you saved?" I liked the response...."In A.D. 33 when Jesus died for me."

Funny, huh?

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