Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thankful List

It's been a couple months since I've been able to type out my gratitude list, but I love that I can resume at any time.  I'm struggling to find rhythm in the summer, but am enjoying it all the same.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Spiderman Fruit Snacks
During his lunchtime prayer yesterday, Paul said, "Thank you God for the Spiderman Fruit Snacks that Mama bought that were on sale at ALDI."  I love both is gratitude for the snacks and the recognition of the money-saving aspect as well.

2.  Perfect presents
Claire and Paul both celebrated birthdays recently and several people bought them items that we all cheered for.  It was great to hear the kids saying, "Ms. X always picks out the best things for my birthday." Or "I have been wanting this forever!  I am so excited!"

3.  Friends that make you take care of yourself.
On Saturday, my friend Stacy noticed a bite on my arm and told me I better take care of it or I would get my arm chopped off.  I didn't think it was a big deal, but since I was headed to the doctor on Monday anyway, I went ahead and mentioned it.  I now think it was a spider bite and I am so glad she made me ask the doctor about it because it got worse before it got better and that's just like me to throw some hydrocortisone on it and forget about it.

4.  Friends far away.
Claire's godfather, Chris and his wife, Ashley, live in Kansas, so we don't get to see them very often. Chris had to come to town last week, though, and made sure to have dinner with us.  Though we hadn't seen him in nearly a year, all four of us picked right back up where we left off.  Next week we are taking a short trip to Galveston where we will meet another friend whom we haven't seen in a while.  I am so grateful that we can feel loved all over the USA.

5.  Manual sprinklers
We do have a sprinkler system, but tree roots screwed it up and Adam has been unable to repair it yet.  We also have this handy dandy tool called a "hose" where we hook on something called a "sprinkler" and it works great.  I just turn it on and move the hose occasionally and presto! the yard doesn't look as brown.

6.  Internet coupons
I thought I was awesome at cutting coupons from the newspaper, but now I get emails about Internet coupons for even more cutting goodness.  I like to call myself a professional grocery shopper.

7.  A marketing plan that I made
I am learning so much at my job.  This week I created a  marketing plan so for every major event we have approaching, I have mapped out a uniform way to promote it instead of trying to remember everything.  I am so excited to put this into use!

8.  My husband
I just want to note that I believe Adam Boyette kicks ass.  He's in charge of games at VBS this week and every night he's outside in a bathrobe and headscarf leading groups of kids in funny games.  He's good at it.  I'm grateful for that as well as the way he can say one word to me and make me laugh so hard I can't breathe.

9.  A place for my grandpa
My grandfather recently moved to an assisted living facility.  He loves it and is doing well.  So well in fact, that now he needs new clothes, new shoes, and new housewares for the new home.  I'm so glad he's got his desire to live and some spark back.

10.  A fly killing machine
We have fruit flies in our house, which I have experimented in killing a number of different ways.  The most effective way has been a gift that Stacy and Matt gave Adam for his birthday.  It's called FlyWeb Fly Light and it combines an attractive light with flypaper so the flies are drawn to it and then stuck.  You can buy it here.

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