Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thankful for time to be thankful

Good morning!  It's 5:19 a.m. and I am celebrating the quiet house and my delicious cup of coffee.

Today I am thankful for:
1.  A working coffeemaker that sometimes beats me awake and delicious creamer.  Today I am enjoying some Belgian chocolate.  Fancy!  I am thankful for the Cuisinart company that made an awesome coffeepot.  I am thankful for the laborers that harvested the coffee beans.  I am thankful for the friendly Costco employees that roasted the beans.

2.  My laptop computer
Want to type during a meeting?  While watching the kids jump on the trampoline?  No problem!  It's portable!

3.  The World's Finest Customers
We're selling the World's Finest Chocolate (2 boxes left) and we appreciate everyone's generosity.  Claire's school is buying new computers, but even more exciting than that is that she has almost earned the right to throw a pie at Mr. Gooch (one of the kindergarten teachers).

4.  A fantastic kindergarten experience
I can't brag on Bruce Shulkey Elementary or Mrs. Alvarez or Claire's fantastic friends enough!  The staff at the school create a positive environment for learning.  Claire is learning both socially and academically.  She never comes home telling me someone in her class was mean to her or catty.  She is in the best place for her and I'm so glad!  (Yes, I have been informed that I might be an exclamation point over-user, but I feel it's appropriate here.  I now weigh the value of each exclamation point and try not to overuse them.)

5.  A relationship based on harassment
Sure Adam and I love each other.  We've been married nearly 11 years, but what really has kept us going is the harassment.  We have a scary picture of Cher that we hide around the house to scare each other with.  And there's the cardboard cutout of the Coors Light lady that has made me scream once.  And the dumb ads for the baby figurines (I had to buy one for my grandpa and now they just keep coming).  Or the ongoing contest to see who can say something the most disgusting.  And the car magnets that appear and disappear.  The never-ending fight of who has the most covers when we make the bed.  If I wrote the entire list of ways we give each other a hard time, I think I'd have a book.  Hmmmmmm...

6.  My little bookclub
For three years, I think, every first Wednesday I've been meeting with the same ladies to discuss literature.  I love these ladies!  We rarely agree, but we always listen to each other and consider the other's opinions.  We try to read books that expand our worldview.  We laugh and have fun doing it.

7.  Being able to help and learning a lesson, too
I bought my granddad groceries last week and then met a lady at the exit who needed milk for her baby.  Thinking it was a scam, I decided not to give her cash, but then I learned my lesson.  I "called her bluff" and offered to buy her milk.  She gratefully accepted.  Then I realized the error of my ways and tried to buy her groceries, but she wouldn't let me.  I bought her milk, heard a little of her story, and learned that the next time I will say yes before I say no.  It was $2.33.  She was really in need, but even if it had been a scam, surely I can part with $2.33.

8.  Babysitting a baby
On Monday, I was able to watch my friend Melody's daughter and infant son.  I love Baby Corbin, but I also knew that as I held him, I am done having babies.  I am officially okay with two wonderful kids.  I love babysitting, though!

9.  Construction excitement
Across the street, there has been some repair to one of the pipes in the street.  On Monday, Paul and I got out lawn chairs and sat and watched the digger dig up the street.  Then Paul got out his own digger and dump truck and got to work on our front yard.  Yes, he dug some shallow holes and killed some grass, but he was having so much fun imitating the construction workers, it was worth it.

10.  Membership to the museum
Because we are members at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, we get into the Stock Show for free.  We've been to the Stock Show twice now and the kids have had so much fun seeing all the animals.  I love how much they pay attention to each animal and point out interesting traits.  I showed Paul a bunny with red eyes and he said, "Yeah, he's wearing red contacts."  As if that weren't enough to be thankful for, yesterday I renewed our museum membership and saved 20 percent because it was during the Stock Show.  Yeehaw!  (And I'd like to thank Kaa and Paul March who bought this year's museum membership for our Christmas gift.  I have been holding your check and will now deposit it.  Thank you!)

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