Thursday, July 29, 2010


Warning: If the title of this post wasn't enough warning, here is your second warning. This post is about poop! If you don't like reading about poop, don't read this.

Paul is now 25 months old, traditionally too young for potty-training, I believe. However, just after his birthday, he started saying "potty" and then actually going. I was amazed at the genius of my child, so I went out and bought him some cute Sesame Street underwear.
Off and on the last month, I have been putting Paul's underwear on and taking him to the potty regularly. He has been doing great!
The first time I took him out in public in underwear we were at church. I was just bragging on him to one of our pastors when I realized there was a puddle forming at his ankles. We took a break for a few days after that.
This week we are at it again, and Paul has been doing great. Yesterday at Lowe's he told me he needed to go potty and was able to hold it until we got there. I was so proud of him.
I left him in his underwear and went to a movie last night with my friend Alli. When I walked out of the theater and turned on my phone, I was snorting with laughter. Poor Adam sent me a picture of an unfortunate surprise that appeared when he was playing with the kids.
Today we went to my grandfather's house to visit. Paul peed on the floor twice and then pooped in his underwear. I patiently took him to the potty to clean him up, but then he stepped in it and started freaking out. Then he started thrashing his foot around, trying to get the poop off of it and we ended up with poop all over both of us. I wasn't very patient at that point.
He is currently in diapers.

1 comment:

  1. Haha!! Great story. I love how he was irritated by the poop on his foot, so he flung it all over everything. That's like when Lila throws up on herself. She gets so agitated with the barf on her shirt, that she gets barf all over everything while she tries to pull the shirt off!
    The last line of your anecdote is so hilarious, I nearly peed MYSELF! Maybe I should currently be in diapers...
