Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Wrap-Up

What an eventful year! Last year at this time Paul was a mere six months old and just had his first acting gig as the Baby Jesus. Claire was two and a half and still using diapers and sippy cups. We've come a long way.
I've developed several fans of this blog, but the problem with that is that I've been afraid to blog because I want the perfect message. Well, I'm just going to have to poopoo that idea. I think I've had about five perfect ideas and Lord knows I've had a million not so perfect ones. So you, my readers, will have to start sifting, because I'm just going to keep writing.
This holiday season I learned two very important lessons.
1. No matter how much I want to do everything, I cannot. I do get a sense of fulfillment from doing good deeds, but more good deeds does not equal more fulfillment. It's not my job to save the world.
A week before Christmas, I had an emotional collapse under the weight of my commitments. Luckily, a team of people (yes, a team!) allowed me to delegate nearly everything and I was able to enjoy Christmas with less stress. It was eye-opening to me to realize I needed a team of people to carry out the commitments one person had gotten into.
2. People love baked goods just as much as they love that "perfect" gift. Every year Adam and I break our necks shopping in a mad rush, trying to find the right gift for everyone. This year's economic outlook limited our shopping and I chose to bake instead of buy. I received just as much appreciation and excitement from those opening baked goods as I always have. I love cooking, and I don't enjoy shopping, so I'm started a new trend. Next year, no matter what the budget, I'll continue to stay out of the stores and stay in my kitchen.

In the new year, I hope to do less and enjoy more. It's hard for me to learn of needs and not break my neck to fulfill them, so we'll see how long I can sit on my hands and stop volunteering. I'm not Martha Stewart or Mother Theresa, so I will try to accept my limitations.


  1. I'm doing the exact same thing next year - baking, not buying. I think it's a great idea!

  2. Many of us should get together and do a bake in....with kiddos and all. I would love to learn some new foodies for christmas. just a thought.
