Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Tuesday Thanks

Here is what I'm thankful for today:

1. Distilled White Vinegar
Last week the coffeemaker was sputtering coffee and taking nearly half an hour to complete its cycle.  I ran vinegar through it a few times and it's as good as new this morning.  (Note: Don't forget to follow the vinegar with a few cycles of water.)  On Saturday we played in the pool and Sunday my ears sounded underwater.  They're not completely back to normal, but creating my own eardrops from vinegar and alcohol greatly improved the situation.

2. Books with characters so real they become family
When I was in college, my friend Sonja introduced me to the Outlander series written by Diana Gabaldon.  I just finished the latest book. I love each beast of a book; this one was more than 800 pages.  However, I read about one a year from the list and they are so well-written that picking up one makes me feel at home.
I also read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone to the kids this past week. It was so fun to read to them and listen to their excitement at each page.  We finished yesterday and went and bought the movie.  The kids critiqued each scene to see how much it aligned with the book. I was so proud experiencing their new-found passion for these books I've loved for a long time.

3. Dickies' changeless uniforms
Except at weddings and funerals, my grandfather wears the same outfit daily.  He used to be a electric line repairman and when he retired, his uniform didn't.  He wears a khaki work shirt and khaki work pants every day.  A couple of weeks ago he decided he needed something new.  His pants and shirts were becoming worn, so he wanted me to get him some new clothes that look exactly like the old ones.  I am so grateful that Dickies uniforms still look the same for all the years he's worn them.

4. Social Media in the Summer
Summertime is a different routine, and I am thankful that no matter my location or time, I can check in with some of my friends online. Although not a substitute for a live conversation, when I'm surrounded by children the entire day, it's nice to take some time to have some virtual conversations with adults.

5.  Helping friends
I am getting better about asking and receiving help in a variety of situations.  For childcare, for tuition, for helping me process my world, I am grateful for each of my friends that take time out of their day to help me. I'm also thankful that I am slowly realizing that sometimes when a friend helps me, it's not just a blessing for me.

6. Fall on the horizon
I am so excited for the approach the school year, for the kids and for me.  A steady routine helps us all.

7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
I loved them in middle school and now my son is passionate about those sewer dwellers. It's so fun seeing the world through Ninja Turtle eyes. I have to laugh when I'm driving the car thinking about my to do list and find myself listening to a break-down of the latest Ninja Turtle episode.

8. Paul's basketball skills
Paul is playing basketball at the YMCA and he is a rock star. He is defending in an aggressive manner that is foreign to his personality. He strategically places himself under the basket for the rebound. He dribbles the ball down the court, he scores. He is exciting to watch.

9. Friendship bread
More than 10 years ago, a friend gave me a starter kit for some Amish friendship bread.  It takes 10 days to make a loaf.  I was unable to complete the first one.  But now a friend at church has shared a new one with me.  I hope, 10 years after my first attempt, that this one will be successful.  If so, I'll be sharing my own starter kit with my friends.

10. School supplies
Shopping for school supplies makes me happy.  Each unsharpened pencil is so full of promise.  Each package of paper is full of potential. I can't wait to see what this year brings.

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