Thursday, October 7, 2010

Being a Hippie

I consider myself a modern hippie. I've always loved peace, love, and 1970s clothes.
I've been this way my entire life. When I was in kindergarten, my teacher labeled me the class "peacemaker." When I was in middle school, I was on the "spirit team." When I was in high school, I wore bell-bottoms and flower necklaces. I made sure that no one in Haltom High passed me by without a cheerful hello.
Today I am much the same way. Don't even try to pass me on my morning walk without receiving a greeting. The same goes for church. If I see you at church, you are getting at least a smile and a hello, if not a hug.
Last Christmas, Adam and I sent out about 200 Christmas cards. No one ever gets dropped off our list and every year the list grows.
I say this not to document how awesome I am, but to tell you sharing love always pays off.
Yesterday I spent an hour or two writing cards and sending pictures while the kids were playing. I keep our address book on a clipboard and flip through, writing cards for anyone we haven't had contact with in a while.
Later in the day I received a call from an elderly lady at church who wanted the children to have some hand-made dolls she owned. She had left them for me in the church parlor. We were all honored to be the recipients of such cute grandma and grandpa dolls.
Not only was that lovely, we received another gift last night. Alex, who used to be our favorite sacker at Tom Thumb, and now is a busboy at a local restaurant, bought the kids each a pumpkin for Halloween. I was so humbled that he would spend some of his small and hard-earned paycheck on my children.
So I am here to tell you that when you offer love, it is always returned. Not always from the same place that you gave it, but it always comes back. Take it from a hippie who knows.


  1. You are such a sweetheart, Sarah, and you deserve all of the good things you receive in your life! And, you're right, when you send good things out into the world, even better things come back to you. That's just the way love works.

  2. Amen Sarah!! You are the hippie who gets it!! :-)

  3. your right and what a good sermon! i never expect something when i do something special....i figured one day it will return when i least suspect it. jen's right, that is the way love works. and speaking of hippie images, does that mean you and adam have a closet that "glows" or grows something speical???

  4. Love it! You are so right, it always does come back around, and sometimes from places you don't expect.

    Share the love. :O)

  5. Well done Sarah! I adore your words...
