Friday, October 7, 2016

Whew! Gratitude to finish a Grueling Week

This week was one of the hardest of the semester. I'm so thankful that I was able to meet the challenges, mostly.

Here's what I'm grateful for today:

1. A new journal
I wanted to put this journal on my Christmas list, but it runs $55 and I wasn't sure I could justify that much money for a book that wasn't a textbook. I am excited to say that it went on sale and I got a copy for $20! Woot! It's called Sacred Ordinary Days, and it's a liturgical journal. Click here to get the same deal I did. This particular version runs with the academic calendar, which is good for me.

2. Hamster rescues
Last week Paul's hamster escaped his cage and met me for coffee. Luckily the dog wasn't up and I was able to safely return him. This week when I was up at 4:15 writing, I heard a loud crash. Claire's hamster had somehow toppled his hamster wheel and was on her bedroom floor, in his wheel. I am so grateful the hamster stayed in the wheel, because Sugar Dot went with me to investigate that noise.

The reason our hamsters live in cages. Sugar Dot was looking for a snack this week in the hamster ball. Don't worry. No hamsters or dogs were harmed.

3. Dinner out
I try to make dinner most nights, but twice this week we've had to outsource. I am so grateful that our family budget allows wiggle room on nights when I just can't make it all come together.

4. Homework completed
Last week I rejoiced at the reading and summarizing conclusion of the most boring/challenging book I've had to read. This week I read the companion to that book. 321 pages summarized in a 25-page paper. Don't ask me what it was about, because when you are asked to read that much in such a little time, the only method of survival is short-term processing and regurgitation. I'm not even positive I kept the name in my brain.

5. Unexpected three-day weekends
Because I have been totally consumed with my homework this week, I didn't have time until yesterday to confirm that the kids don't have school on Monday. Woot! I love that extra space. I'm going to fill it with...... more homework.

6. Life skills
Yesterday I had Paul sort his laundry and wash a load. He's 8 and had never done it before. He was so excited at this new skill he asked if he could do it every week. The answer is "Absolutely." We'll see how long his enthusiasm holds.

7. Eating with interesting people
More than once this week I've found myself eating next to a fascinating person. I loving hearing different people's perspectives. It always makes me think long after the conversation is over.

8. The freedom of a no.
Because I was writing a giant paper this week, I was unable to also summarize my normal 100-pages or so from a textbook in class. I just didn't have time. I asked for a 24 hour extension and was denied. The good part of that is that now I don't have to worry about trying to fit that summary into my schedule. It's over and I can move on.

9. Rain
I am so grateful that I was able to wake up and snooze for a bit to the sound of rain on our window.

10. Early mornings
Lots of students stay up late to finish their homework. My brain doesn't allow that. About 8:00, my ability to think theologically goes out the window. The good part of this is that I know that and don't even try to push it. It gives me some intentional family time. The best part of this is that I have the ability to wake up super early to get my homework done when everyone else is asleep (3:45 yesterday). It's not a pattern that works for everyone, but it allows me to focus and still have time for family.