It's the third week of school and we've fallen into a nice rhythm. The school year looks good on all of us.
Today I am thankful for:
1. Pawn shops
Saturday I introduced Claire to the world of pawn shops. We drove around Fort Worth going into everyone we could find, looking for a keyboard and a stand. We found a nice keyboard for $50, but are still looking for a stand. She was fascinated with the concept of pawn shops and I was happy to get a deal.
2. Quiet mornings
Every morning I have 60 minutes to myself while the house is silent. Experiencing the world when the day is fresh and new sets me off on the right foot.
3. Fascinating reading
This week for homework I had to read an excerpt of Howard Thurman's book, Jesus and the Disinherited. This book inspired Martin Luther King; apparently he carried a copy in his briefcase at all times. I love reading writing that challenges my worldview. Not only is this expertly crafted prose, it is thought-provoking and challenging. I love it.
4. Organization days
I spent the entire day yesterday organizing my office and fall children's curriculum. I feel so much more equipped to deal with what comes my way when I'm prepared. My house is not a model of organization, but my office is. (It's smaller than the house and I'm the only one that messes it up.)
5. Classic toys
Adam and I both preserved some of our favorite childhood toys. Claire has some original Cabbage Patch dolls in her room and our back room is currently littered with He-Man figurines. Paul's been having battles.
6. Orthodontics that aren't scary.
Claire got her first portion of braces yesterday. Her orthodontist prepared her and she entered the office with zero anxiety. She left with a giant expander on the roof of her mouth. I was so happy that she was so willing to be a patient.
7. Do overs
This past Sunday I sang and danced in front of a roomful of skeptical children. It was my first Sunday leading children's ministries and I obviously have some growing room. Apparently my singing and dancing wasn't compelling enough to overcome a need for intentional transition. That's okay. I'll do it again next week with hopefully better results.
8. Places where I'm not in charge
One day a week I arrive at my designated elementary school ready to do whatever is needed. It is different every time. I might spend the day teaching children how to read or testing their fluency or organizing storybooks. I'm always eager to help however needed. It is so refreshing for me to have a place where I can be helpful and contribute but am not looked to be in charge.
9. Snoring hounds
When I roll over at night, I have to take into account everyone else in the bed, which would be Adam and our two dogs. They like to sleep at my feet and I have to make sure I don't accidentally kick them off. We have a Yorkshire Terrier and a Chihuahua. Both snore loudly, which makes me giggle.
10. The magic of Harry Potter
I'm reading all the Harry Potter books to the children. We're on book 3. I love that the world of Harry Potter has jumped out of the pages and is part of our daily lives. I never know when a topic about the books will come up. I'll be making dinner and a child will come in and ask me to explain Hogsmeade or why Harry can't go. Or we'll be walking to school and I'll need to recount the reason Hermione is a wizard when her parents are Muggles. I loved the stories the first time I read them, but living them with the children is even better.
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